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Three Metamorphoses: Novellas in Verse & Prose by Amit Majmudar
On Earth as It Is in Heaven, stories by Vishwas R. Gaitonde
Passage, an essay by Ellene Glenn Moore
The Height of Land, a novel by M. C. Benner Dixon
Best Spiritual Literature (Vol. 9, 2024)
Eyes Moving Through the Dark, essays by William Woolfitt
The Concealment of Endless Light, poems by Yehoshua November
Our Lady of Good Voyage, a novel by Kevin Honold
Blue Exodus, poems by Hussain Ahmed
The Last of the Light, a novella by Alexander Shalom Joseph
Best Spiritual Literature (Vol. 8, 2023)
With Death, an Orange Segment Between Our Teeth, poems by Marie-Claire Bancquart
Prayershreds, poems by Bruce Beasley
Dream of Xibalba, a poem by Stephanie Adams-Santos
Between Paradise & Earth: Eve Poems
The Body Problem, poems by Margaret Wack
Best Spiritual Literature (Vol. 7, 2022)
Anchor, poems by Rebecca Aronson
What's Left to Us by Evening, poems by David Ebenbach
Dear If, poems by Mary B. Moore
Sanctuary, Vermont, poems by Laura Budofsky Wisniewski
The Distortions, stories by Christopher Linforth
The Orison Anthology (Vol. 6, 2021)
Traveling With the Ghosts, poems by Stella Vinitchi Radulescu
Not Yet Transfigured, poems by Eric Pankey
A Husband and Wife Are One Satan, stories by Jeff Fearnside
Aviya Kushner Broadside - "Summer"
Wolf Lamb Bomb, poems by Aviya Kushner
This Distance We Call Love, stories by Carol Dines
The Orison Anthology (Vol. 5, 2020)
Post-Mortem, poems by Heather Altfeld
Arsenal With Praise Song, poems by Rodney Gómez
A Sense of the Whole, stories by Siamak Vossoughi
Divining, poems by Brooke Sahni
Obscura, poems by Frank Paino
The World I Leave You: Asian American Poets on Faith & Spirit
Side by Side but Never Face to Face, a novella & stories by Maggie Kast
The Orison Anthology (Vol. 4, 2019)
Oceanography, stories by Jeremy Griffin
Some Unimaginable Animal, poems by David Ebenbach