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Orison Books seeks donors to support the publication of our forthcoming titles, in part or in full. As a volunteer-run non-profit, we depend on the generosity of our donors!
Forthcoming titles include:
Passage, an essay by Ellene Glenn Moore
Three Metamorphoses: Novellas in Verse & Prose by Amit Majmudar
The Height of Land, a novel by M. C. Benner Dixon
Toward Praise: The Late Masterpieces of Rainer Maria Rilke in a new translation by Erik Bendix
On Earth as It Is in Heaven, stories by Vishwas Gaitonde
This Eye Is for Seeing Stars, poems by Christine Poreba
Oddest and Oldest and Saddest and Best, poems by Jane Zwart
Best Spiritual Literature (Vol. 10, 2025), an annual collection of the finest spiritually engaged writing that appeared in periodicals during the preceding year
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Supporters' Circle
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Donations may be made through PayPal or by sending a check made out to Orison Books to PO Box 8385, Asheville, NC 28814.
recurring annual donors
Deep gratitude to our recurring annual donors for sustaining our important work!
Sustainers' Circle
Carol Dines
Michele Laub
Laura & Barry Rand
Bruce Spang
Advocates' Circle
David Ebenbach
Supporters' Circle
Nickole Brown
Richard Chess
Friends' Circle
Paige Gilchrist
Laurel Haavik
Alida Woods